College Campus Initiatives

College Campus

The Turn-A-Frown-Around Foundation’s College Campus Initiative aims to establish “Smile Station” chapters on college campuses across the nation. After adopting a local facility, college students become Forever Friends to those who experience loneliness. As with all Smile Stations, this Forever Friendship occurs on a one-on-one basis and is maintained regularly through weekly visits, phone calls, etc.

The Forever Friendship experience is very rewarding to college students, particularly to those whose field of study aligns with TAFA’s goals. They have the opportunity to positively affect the lives of others, as well as gain a higher learning of those they aim to help in their careers. Most importantly, like any student organization, Forever Friends benefit from being part of a community with a common goal. Given that loneliness and isolation are issues that many college students deal with, Smile Stations in turn serve a dual purpose – to alleviate loneliness not just for the individual being visited, but to alleviate any lonely feelings for the visitor as well.